Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Google suing US Department of the Interior for Google Apps snub

Google has filed a lawsuit in the US Court of Federal Claims against the US Department of the Interior for being what it claims as "unduly restrictive of competition." Apparently the DOI wrote up procurement requirements for a hosted email and collaboration solution (it's currently hobbling along with 13 different platforms for its 88,000 users) that specifically stated the software had to be part of the Microsoft Business Productivity Online Suite. Google thinks there should be a competitive procurement process for the $59 million contract, allowing for potential alternatives to Microsoft (like Google Apps, for instance). The DOI says it's up for open competition on the contract, but it's "standardized" on Microsoft tech. We'll have to see how this plays out.


  1. Huh wonder if anything will actually come of it

  2. does google work with the us government? hit me up!

  3. Google is so cheeky sometimes. But good luck to them, I suppose.

  4. umm... alright, breaking news! I'm an ignorant =(

  5. Coolio! Post MOAR!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Granted I dont have a Google Business email but my free email is web based. Is the business solution the same? Or are they referring to desktop software? Either way it should work inside of windows. Open Office Desktop email with Email hosted by Google. Granted I'm too lazy to put forth real research effort. :>
